- 1 Personal Information
- 2 Summer Goals/Milestones
- 3 Zotero Bibliography Manager
- 4 Week 8: Characterizing Sensor Noise: Allan Variance
- 5 Week 7: Inertial Navigation
- 6 Week 6: Inertial Navigation
- 7 Week 5: Mini Presentations
- 8 Week 4: System Requirements and Design
- 9 Week 3: Map Generation Implementation Experiments
- 10 Week 2: Localization and Map Generation
- 11 Week 1: Summer Planning
Personal Information
Casey J. O'Brien
Ubicomp Lab, CU301E
Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
Marquette University
cobrie {at} mscs {dot} mu {dot} edu
A senior with majors in Computer Science and English Literature, I work in Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed's Ubicomp Lab in CU301E.
Summer Goals/Milestones
These are preliminary goals/milestones. Most will be expanded/modified as the project develops.
- June 17th: Finish literature survey on 1) privacy in ubiquitous computing and 2) simple/complex activity recognition
- June 30th: (Mini Presentations) Finish design of preliminary system
- July 29th: Finish basic simple activity recognition on device
- August 1st: Finish preparing final poster
Zotero Bibliography Manager
My Zotero working bibliography is available at
Week 8: Characterizing Sensor Noise: Allan Variance
- Allan Variance to determine noise coefficients
- Using AV to determine update equations in Kalman Filter
- Obtaining fairly accurate displacement calculations over short distances
- Modeling error in accelerometers and gyroscopes
- Ellipsoid fitting using least squares
- Continued working on internal navigation as it relates to map generation
- Worked on iPhone code for SLAM
Week 5: Mini Presentations
- Formalized technical proposal
- Wrote preliminary parts of new grant proposal
- Prepared presentation for Thursday
- Delivered presentation
Week 4: System Requirements and Design
- Read/annotated numerous papers on complex activity recognition
- Began to gather design requirements and design features of our system
- How it differs from existing systems
- What issues it addresses
Week 3: Map Generation Implementation Experiments
Monday 13 June
- Built up Android development environment
- Android toolchain
- Eclipse plug-ins
- Started code for wifi localization implementation
Tuesday 14 June
- Continued code for wifi localization implementation
- Worked through mathematics for multifeature multiclass Bayesian classifier
- Attended talk on good presentations and research papers
Wednesday 15 June
- Read papers and tweaked implementation of localization project
- Gathered preliminary data on beacon attributes
Thursday 16 June
- Attended lecture on responsible research practices
- Worked through beacon probability mathematics
Friday 17 June
- Worked through beacon probability mathematics
- Developed Bayesian classifier generic Java class
- Gathered comprehensive data on wifi environment in MSCS department
Week 2: Localization and Map Generation
Monday 06 May
- Read/edited new book chapter on carbon footprint calculation framework to be published soon
- Explored potential print resources in the library and photocopied potentially relevant sections
- G. Bekey, Autonomous robots : from biological inspiration to implementation and control, Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 2005. [TJ211.495 .B45 2005]
- D. Fox, S. Thrun, W. Burgard, and F. Dellaert, “Particle filters for mobile robot localization,” Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice, New York, NY, USA: Springer-VErlag, 2001, pp. 401-428. [QA298 .S47 2001]
- José del R. Millán, “Robot Navigation,” The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2003, pp. 987-990. [QP363.3 .H36 2003]
Tuesday 07 May
- Read/skimmed/annotated a variety of somewhat unhelpful, yet intellectually stimulating papers
- 10.1109/WCNM.2005.1544306
- 10.1109/PERCOM.2010.5466999
- 10.1109/IGARSS.2005.1526254
- 10.1109/IPIN.2010.5647107
- 10.1109/AERO.2006.1655801
- 10.1109/IPIN.2010.5646861
- 10.1109/IPIN.2010.5647505
- Organized things in Ubicomp lab
Wednesday 08 May
- Found/read book sections on methods of localization in wifi networks
- S.-L. Wu, Wireless ad hoc networking : personal-area, local-area, and the sensory-area networks, Boca Raton FL: Auerbach Pub., 2007. [TK5105.78 .W59 2007]
- A. LaMarca, Location systems an introduction to the technology behind location awareness, [San Rafael, Calif.] :: Morgan & Claypool Publishers,, 2008.
- Contemplated system components and design
Thursday 09 May
- Read book sections on methods of localization in wifi networks
Friday 10 May
- Worked on developing wifi localization implementation using Bayesian networks
Week 1: Summer Planning
Monday 30 May (Memorial Day)
- Summer residents move-in
Tuesday 31 May
- REU orientation
- "Rehired" by HR
- Prepared SafeTask and EcoDrive for presentation at R2D2 lab tomorrow
Wednesday 01 May
- Meeting w/ Dr. Iqbal and Aaron on summer projects
- Meeting at UWM R2D2 Center (Dr. Roger Smith) to share lab experiences
- Showed two demos on iPhone -- SafeTask and EcoDrive
- Meeting of the Official Funtivities Committee
- Brainstormed ideas
- Planned first weekend event -- lunch at Sobelman's
Thursday 02 May
- Talk on research practices
- Library tour and database orientation
- Checked out potentially useful books
- A. Acquisti, Digital privacy : theory, technologies, and practices, New York: Auerbach Publications, 2008. [QA76.9.A25 D528 2008]
- G. Giannotti, Mobility, data mining, and privacy : geographic knowledge discovery, Berlin: Springer Heidelberg, 2008. [G70.2 .M62 2008]
- M. Wachowicz, Movement-aware applications for sustainable mobility : technologies and approaches, Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, 2010. [TK5105.65 .M68 2010]
Friday 03 May
- Explored potential articles in IEEE Xplore, entered citations into Zotero
- Read general overviews of security/privacy in ubiquitous computing environments
- Summer residents move into new apartment