User:Syd steck
Week 1: (May 29th 2023 - June 2nd 2023)
Tuesday (5/30)
- REU introduction meeting
- Decided on a topic and started preliminary research
Wednesday (5/31)
- Attended REU meeting on how to conduct research effectively
- Communicated with other professors to determine a good starting point
- Began reading a master's thesis related to the topic and took notes
Thursday (6/1)
- Met with Dr. Kaczmarek via teams to discuss Splunk and possible avenues of research
- Finished reading the thesis from the day prior
- Started Splunk online training
Friday (6/2)
- Continued Splunk online training videos
- Looked for potential research articles and took note of a few different articles of interest
- Read a research article about implementing Splunk Phantom and took notes
- Link to article:
- Entitled "Methods for Automating Threat Hunting and Response"
- Results of research were not very helpful at all
Week 2: (June 5th 2023 - June 9th 2023)
Monday (6/5)
- Attended the RCR Training meeting
Tuesday (6/6)
- Met with other REU researchers during the collaboration time in the morning
- Created the mini presentation for the research paper I read last Friday
- Listened to other's present their research findings
- Presented mini presentation to the others in my lab group
- Researched Bee-Bots and how they are used in computer science education
- Began creating the short presentation for this
Wednesday (6/7)
- Finished Bee-Bots presentation and research
- Attended the Technical Writing / Good Presentations meeting
- Was able to log onto Marquette's Splunk site
- I was able to explore the site and see how it operated
- Also continued to watch training videos to better understand how to navigate and utilize the app efficiently
- Started to read another research paper (that is hopefully more useful than the last)
- Link to article:
- Entitled "Threat Modeling and Threat Intelligence System for Cloud using Splunk"
Thursday (6/8)
Friday (6/9)
Week 3: (June 12th 2023 - June 16th 2023)
Monday (6/12)
Tuesday (6/13)
Wednesday (6/14)
Thursday (6/15)
Friday (6/16)