Summer 2018 Projects

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Project #1 Student: Sam Weiner.
Mentor: Dr. Naveen Bansal

Project #2 Student: Lindsey Coffee-Johnson Mentor: Dr. Debbie Perouli

SUPREME: A Cancer Subtype Prediction Methodology by Integrating High-Dimensional Biological Datasets:
Student Researcher: Jeanne Su.
Mentor: Dr. Serdar Bozdag.

Project #4 Student: Darren Jefferson Mentor: Dr. Brylow

Embedded Xinu for the Multi-Core Raspberry Pi 3:
Student Researchers: Benjamin Levandowski.
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Brylow.

Deconstructing Spatial Clustering Algorithms To Explore Biases in Crime Analysis

Researchers: Katy Weathington, Laura Schultz, and others.

Mentor: Dr. Shion Guha

GasDay Signal Processing and Machine Learning Student: Jaired Collins Mentor: Dr. Richard Povinelli

Project #, Gaussian Stochastic Processes for Coupling Landslide Hazards Student: Lindsay Webster Mentor: Dr. Elaine Spiller