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Personal Info

Tao Cui is a Math student in Marquette University.

Research Topic

Using statistical models to estimate the behavior of storm surge during a hurricane or tropical storm.


Week 1 (6/1 - 6/5)

Read about statistical surrogates Plot test function Find optimization routine in Python Become comfortable with LaTeX

Week 2 (6/5 - 6/12)

Complete eading on storm surges Technical paper from Dr. Spiller Non-technical, independent research Use optimization routine to find parameters to fit

Week 3 (6/15 - 6/19)

Play around with reading data files from computer experiment Hopefully storm surge data – maybe move to Week 4 Implement optimization of model posterior (∴)

Week 4 (6/22 – 6/26)

Continue on (∴) Play around with reading data files and plotting outputs Reading about Monte Carlo calculations Regroup and discuss plan for July

Week 5 (6/29 – 7/3)

Mini-presentation on July 2nd Work on applying surrogate to storm surge model (♦) Identify challenges in doing so

Week 6 (7/6 – 7/10)

Continue to work on (♦) Use surrogate in probability calculation (∗) Discuss possible scenario model

Week 7 (7/13 – 7/17)

Work on (♦) and (∗)

Week 8 (7/20 – 7/24)

Work on (♦) and (∗)

Week 9 (7/27 – 7/30)

Posters due July 29th

Week 10 (8/3 – 8/7)

Finish presentations and papers