Week 1: June 7th, 2021
Monday (6/7/21)
- Virtual ethics training session with Dr.Brylow [5.5hrs]
Tuesday (6/8/21)
- Meeting with Sujeeth and Maverick [2hrs]
- Familiarized myself with AP, DPI, PUMP_CS Workshop, and CS TA data files [2hrs]
Wednesday (6/9/21)
- Virtual training session on how to write a research paper [1.5hrs]
- Meeting with Dr. Brylow and team to discuss current progress and goals for end of week [0.5hr]
- Researched programming efficiently with Python [3hrs]
- Researched DPI data base [1hr]
- Read landscape report #1 [2hrs]
Thursday (6/10/21)
- Meeting with Sujeeth and Maverick [1hr]
- Completed Python essential training [5hrs]
- Read landscape report #2 [2hrs]
Friday (6/11/21)
- Worked on navigating wiki page [0.5hr]
- Read landscape reports #3 and #4 [4hrs]
- Researched using Python with Google sheets [2hrs]
- Checked All PDs Teacher List_2017-2020 with list of 84 schools [2hrs]
Week 2: June 14th, 2021
Monday (6/14/21)
- Meeting with Sujeeth and Maverick [1hr]
- Continued to clean 84 schools data with All PDs Teacher List_2017-2020 list [2hrs]
- Read landscape reports #5 and #6 [4hrs]
- Began researching using Python with Excel sheets [1hr]
Tuesday (6/15/21)
- Read landscape reports #7 and #8 [4hrs]
- Continued with cleaning and researching 84 schools [2hrs]
- Completed research on using Python with Excel sheets [1hr]
- Began research on using Python for data analysis [1hr]
Wednesday (6/16/21)
- Read landscape reports #9 and #10 [4hrs]
- Continued with cleaning and researching 84 schools [2hrs]
- Completed research on using Python for data analysis [2hrs]
Thursday (6/17/21)
- Meeting with Dr.Brylow and all team members [2hrs]
- Read landscape report #11 [2hrs]
Friday (6/18/21)
- Meeting with team [1hr]
- Read landscape report #12 and final report [3hrs]
- Began Tableau essential training [4hrs]
Week 3: June 21st, 2021
Monday (6/21/21)
- Meeting with Jack and Alex [1hr]
- Meeting with Sujeeth and Maverick [1hr]
- Worked on completing D2L ethics training [1hr]
- Read through AutoTA class syllabus and found current textbook [0.5hr]
- Read through and summarized chps.1-3 of AutoTA textbook [3.5hrs]
- Continued Tableau essential training [1hr]
Tuesday (6/22/21)
- Meeting with Jack and Alex [1hr]
- Familiarizing myself with list of pylint-errors [1hr]
- Completed D2L ethics training [2hrs]
- Read through and summarized chps.4-6 of AutoTA textbook [3hrs]
- Completed Tableau essential training [1hr]
Wednesday (6/23/21)
- Meeting with Jack and Alex [1hr]
- Meeting with Sujeeth and Maverick [1hr]
- REU general meeting - food insecurity exacerbated by COVID outbreak [0.5hr]
- Read through and summarized chps.7-9 of AutoTA textbook [3hrs]
- Brainstormed which pylint-errors to possibly exclude [0.5hr]
- Worked on Python practice activities [2hrs]
Thursday (6/24/21)
- Meeting with Jack and Alex [1hr]