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About Me

My name is Alex Rambasek. I'm a rising junior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, studying Computer Science and Mathematics. My areas of concentration in CS is artificial intelligence.

Project Description

I'm working alongside Dr. Dennis Brylow and Sudjeeth Ramagoni in the Summer of 2020 to help clean, analyze, interpret, and predict data about high school CS education in the state of Wisconsin. Furthermore, I am helping to integrate static code analysis into a series of bash scripts known as TABot, used at Marquette to grade student code against instructor provided test cases in courses such as Operating Systems.

Why Should I Care?

Information gained from data analysis will be compiled into a Landscape Report for the state of Wisconsin, and will serve as a reference for elected officials to determine statewide educational policy and funding. Also, this new TABot functionality will allow student programmers to learn from their mistakes and avoid potentially dangerous bugs before deploying code, as well as reduce the amount of time professors need to laboriously examine code.

Work Log:

Week Description
Week 1
  • Initial meetings with mentor
  • Data science crash course
  • Outlined possible project directions
Week 2
  • Re-familiarized myself with the C language
  • Completed first few OS projects on Dr. Brylow's website
  • Watches machine learning courses
  • Met with Sudjeeth to review goals and available data
Week 3
  • Read papers concerning static analysis of C code
  • Implemented Python script to scrape DPI website
  • Used pandas and scikit-learn to clean data
  • Compiled enrollment statistics and discuss with Sudjeeth