Weekly Log
Week 1
- Attended orientation
- Attended data science workshop
- Attended good research practices talk
- Read research paper my project will be based off
- Familiarized myself with GUI programming
Week 2
- Attended responsible research conduct (RCR) talk
- Completed associated online modules for RCR talk
- Familiarized myself with SGX-MR codebase
- Investigated RabbitMQ for future work
Week 3
- Implemented preliminary DemoLog system
- Deployed RabbitMQ server
- Researched libraries for message queueing systems
Week 4
- Attempted to implement RabbitMQ messaging system
- Substituted RabbitMQ for AWS SQS
Week 5
- Successfully integrated AWS SQS into SGX-MR system
- Began work on client-side functionality
- Prepared and presented the project so far
Week 6
- Began work on visualization processes
- Implemented real time queue listening
- Refined back-end code
Week 7
- Debugged SGX code
- Implemented access pattern logging
- Began exploration of access pattern visualization
Week 8
- Continued debugging
- Implemented access pattern visualization
- Began refining client
Week 9
- Refined client visuals
- Began work on end of REU presentations
- Began work on final report
- Finalized client
Week 10
- Finished REU report and poster
- Attended poster session
- Gave project presentation
- Attended research presentations