Marquette Senior
My research project focuses on porting Embedded Xinu into our new, multi-core Raspberry Pi 3s. While my project has just begun, my log thus far is below.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Booted Raspbian onto Raspberry Pi 3
Realized Pi is 64 bit and not 32 bit... Found new cross-compiler since old one won't work
Attempted to boot Xinu onto Pi 3 (not yet there)
Day 3:
Got a bare metal program (taken from Tristan Gingold) to boot on the Rasberry Pi and turn on a light
Day 4:
Tried booting a light version of Xinu taken from an old Operating System's homework (didn't work)
Started to convert the code that turned the light on in the C file to assembly (ARM64) to see if the booting process just wasn't getting to the C file
Day 5:
Converted C to assembly using the compiler (which we should have just done before)
Found that booting process wasn't getting to C file but was getting to assembly
Fixed code so light would turn on even when code was in C file
Still not receiving any input from the serial connection
Day 6:
Got serial connection working using mini-UART
Receiving wrong characters using pl011
Day 7:
Tried to find what the correct baud rate should be set to for pl011 (tried being the operative word)
Day 8:
Nothing to see here
Day 9:
Did a lot of research about UART. Found someone online who is a Raspberry Pi developer who got the pl011 driver to work for Raspbian. Attempted to communicate with him, but didn't receive much helpful information
Day 10:
Got the pl011 driver to work! It was one line of code... Apparently we forgot to enable receiving and transmitting. Still not sure why we got some characters to show up before
Phone: (414) 379-0802