Summer 2020 Projects

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FrydrychowiczReuPoster.png Text Analytics for Predicting Crisis Events in Veterans:
Student Researcher: Wylie Frydrychowicz
Mentor: Dr. Praveen Madiraju

Poster-2020-Gebhard.png Improving Embedded XINU Support for Multicore Architecture:
Student Researcher: Alex Gebhard
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Brylow

Burkholder PosterPresentation Wiki.jpg Mobile Applications for hrvMarquette: Heart Rate Variability Estimation:
Student Researcher: Eric Burkholder
Mentor: Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed

Poster-2020-Austin.png Refining Concurrency in XINU Operating System for Inter-Core Communication and Non-Blocking Data Structures:
Student Researcher: John Austin
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Brylow

Poster-2020-Rambasek-snapshot.png Modeling the Progress and Efficacy of Wisconsin CS Education:
Student Researcher: Alexander Rambasek
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Brylow

Nemoto REU Poster.png Creating Adversarial Examples for Machine Learning Models in Healthcare:
Student Researcher: Shota Nemoto
Mentor: Dr. Debbie Perouli

2020PosterLogan.png Understanding the Ethical and Privacy Concerns with Suicide Risk Prediction Algorithms:
Student Researcher: Sarah Logan
Mentor: Dr. Michael Zimmer

Poster-2020-McDougal-snapshot.png Predicted Risk of Opioid Use Disorder:
Student Researcher: Sarah McDougall
Mentor: Dr. Praveen Madiraju

Poster-2020-Bravo-snapshot.png Association Between Crime, Places, and Neighborhood Characteristics:
Student Researcher: Ross Bravo
Mentor: Dr. Aleksandra Snowden

Poster-2020-Doyle-snapshot.png Understanding and Predicting Sea Ice Melting from NASA's ICESat-2 Launch:
Student Researcher: Erin Doyle
Mentor: Dr. Satish Puri

Poster-2020-Repaci-snapshot.png Developing Ethical Algorithms for Placement Stability in the Foster Care System:
Student Researcher: Charlie Repaci
Mentor: Dr. Shion Guha

Poster-2020-Daguinsin-snapshot.png Parent and child physical activity and sleep in determining overweight and obese children’s behaviors:
Student Researcher: Hannah Daguinsin
Mentor: Dr. Paula Papanek

Poster-2020-Moravec-snapshot.png CTDPathSim: Cell line-tumor deconvoluted pathway-based similarity in the context of precision medicine in cancer:
Student Researcher: Matt Moravec
Mentor: Dr. Serdar Bozdag

Poster-2020-Latinovich-snapshot.png Digital Signal Processing on Embedded Xinu:
Student Researcher: Rade Latinovich
Mentor: Dr. Dennis Brylow